FCA plans service project


Over Spring Break, the members of the FCA are doing community service with the Tear Down the Walls Ministries.

Mrs. Stephanie Senac, sponsor, along with the FCA members loves helping the community, so they came up with this idea.

“We have a few options as to what we want to do it. We narrowed it down from the options we had, and we are planning on making care packages and playing bingo with senior citizens. We decided to collaborate with Greenwood Christian Church because they do service activities every Saturday and we waited to be involved in it,” Mrs. Senac said.

Members will meet at Greenwood Christian Church and make care packages for the homeless that contain food and other necessities.

“We are going to create care packages for the Tear Down the Walls Ministries organization on March 19. Everyone is going to meet at church and leave the care packages there to be delivered for those who need it,” junior Sam Markowicz said.

Mrs. Senac talked about her inspiration in helping others.

“I have a heart and passion for helping others, and I enjoy being able to help people in need. As a Christian, I feel called out to help the homeless. Students also love helping others, so we decided as a group to do this together,” she said.

The FCA members want to do more of community service.

“We are planning on doing more community service as a club. Before the end of this school year, we want to do something similar again. Our leadership team is also working on having a list of things to do. They are also trying to get dates for the next school year as well,” Mrs. Senac said.

Adding service projects to each quarter of the school year is the goal.

“We are trying to do more community outreach. The FCA is something we do inside of school, but we want to start doing something outside of school to help other people,” senior Madi Ramsey said.

The church is providing the food and the necessities that were donated for the care packages.

“The Greenwood Christian Church is helping us out with the care packages. A lot of people make donations to the church, and we will make care packages out of those donations,” senior Hunter Geloff said.