Spring Break Safety

Audrey Poynter, Reporter

For two weeks in March, students will be traveling to and fro, whether by car or by plane. Safety may not be the first thing on a teen’s mind when traveling, but it is important nonetheless.

Tourists are targets for pickpockets and other criminals. Rule No. 1 of travel: don’t look or act like a tourist. Looking confused makes people prime targets.

“If you need directions to where you’re going, try to memorize it before you go. When you get pickpocketed or are in a harmful situation, it’s usually when you’re looking down at your phone,” senior Corina Brazelton said.

Young folks are often identifiable by appearance, but a pack mentality deters harm.

“I always stay with my family or at least make sure my parents know where I am at all times” freshman Ava Taylor said.

Thieves are not the only cause of lost items. Travelers often leave items behind, so check.

“I always have to be prepared: double, triple check that you have all of my stuff,” junior Zach Ayres said.

Item security is not the most important aspect of safety, which would be personal safety.  Flight is the safest method of travel. Planes are flown by trained professionals, but cars can be driven by anyone. Buckle up and pay attention on the road.

“A lot of people will try to drive faster to get where they’re going quicker. The most danger I’ve ever been is when I’m driving somewhere,” Ayres said. “Pay attention and be careful.”