The Coast Guard is the smallest branch of the military, It’s also one of the most interesting and underappreciated branches. They are responsible for saving thousands of lives and enforcing laws all along the coasts and Great Lakes.
The Coast Guard is a unique branch and is the only branch where recruits can join while being fully paid without choosing their specific job/rate.
“What makes us different from any other branch of the military is that you can join as a non-rate, then pick your job when you’re in, so you can be enlisted and fully being paid as an active member and choose your job later,” Petty Officer First Class Julie Lowe said.
When looking at the process to enlist, The Coast Guard is as standard and simple as any other military branch.
“To join, you’ll have to go through MEPS (Military Entrance Processing Stations) to get physically cleared. You’ll also have to take the ASVAB to test your mental strengths and weaknesses, as well as determine what jobs you’re fit for,” Officer Lowe said
A key difference for the Coast Guard and one of its attractive aspects is the fact they do not deploy overseas. In fact, the closest Coast Guard stations are located around Lake Michigan less than a four-hour drive from here.
“The Coast Guard is good for people looking to not be deployed, we don’t deploy overseas. We’re not a combat service. We’re a lifesaving and law enforcement service within the US. Quality of life is a lot better here,” Officer Lowe said.
While the Coast Guard is an important branch of the military, it is not the only one, and it is important to find a branch that fits every person’s specific needs.
“I would tell a high schooler thinking about joining the Coast Guard to definitely study for your ASVAB, and the biggest thing is to do your research on every branch, and figure out what the best fit is,” Officer Lowe said.
While being mainly US based, there are exceptions as to where personnel can be stationed.
“I have been stationed in Australia, Japan, Malaysia, and Taiwan for specific missions as an IAT (Information Assurance Technical) and we don’t have bases like other branches but we have jobs in Puerto Rico and Guam.” Information Assurance Technician Ben Keffer said.
The Coast Guard is known for being a second career choice for military personnel after serving their four-six years in their respective branches.
“The Coast Guard has the highest retention rate of any military branch, meaning that the average person that joins the Coast Guard stays longer than the average person at any other military branch, and many people transfer to the Coast Guard after their first contract at the Army or Navy or whatever it might be. Quality of life is untouched in the coast guard.” Officer Keffer said.