The number of shooting deaths there are in the U.S. is getting out of hand, and it is both sad and scary.
People get their hands on guns way too easily in today’s world. The safety of communities and neighborhoods is in serious trouble. Anything could happen at any moment if a gun gets into the wrong hands. Even kids are getting access to guns now and that is not okay at all. When buying a gun there needs to be a background search on the buyer. There needs to be more laws and safety protocols for guns.
People can not even feel safe anymore when out and about or when sleeping. With more gun laws, people would feel safer when walking with their families or going out on the town by themselves. Too many innocent people are killed each year by gun violence.
Kids have too much access to guns. Every gun inside of a home needs to be locked up and out of reach of children. A recent incident involved kids who attend Greenwood Middle School. It is disappointing knowing that kids can have that much power in their hands and not even know it. Kids do not understand the dangers of guns at such a young age. There are not any requirements to take a gun safety course even though there should be. With this, everyone would know how to be careful and safe with a gun.
When buying a gun, the buyer needs to get a background check every time. If any person buying a gun has ever been charged with anything gun-related, they should not be able to buy a gun. If they implemented this law, communities and neighborhoods would be much safer. Some current gun laws are the permit to carry which means anyone has the right to carry a firearm on them. This is not safe when the law allows anyone to just carry one when they want.
These would just be the first step to trying to stop the gun violence issues in America.