The Service Club intends to raise money to help people in need through a fun night of trivia on March 11.
Students and parents can sign up in group of four or less. The cost is $5 per person, and that includes nine rounds of trivia questions and refreshments. The event will also include door prizes. Teams can earn extra points by bringing items for donation. All of this information is provided on the registration form available in the front office and in the cafeteria. All students have received information through their Canvas accounts, too.
“Trivia Night is going to be a fundraiser. We haven’t decided on a designated thing to put the money towards, but we plan to vote as a club between different charities or for things like the California wildfire or the hurricanes in Florida,” Mrs. Lisa Laug, sponsor, said.
The president of the service club, senior Valeria Moreno, revealed the theme.
“The theme is music. We wanted to do something that would incorporate many age groups, and it was the most popular topic,” Moreno said.
Moreno explained her role in planning the event.
“We were in charge of making sure everyone was in tune with what the theme was going to be. We were also in charge of making the questions and making sure that we advertise the trivia night well enough so that people would come,” Moreno said.
Senior Annabel Sawin, club secretary, expressed how she feels about the fundraiser.
“I am excited for trivia night because Service Club has never really done anything like this before and it should draw in some new members,” Sawin said. “People should attend this event because it will be fun and you can get to know new people.”
Mr. Blaine Williams, English teacher and avid trivia player, will be the master of ceremonies.
“Anytime you have the opportunity to bring a part of yourself into a school setting, you know it is really special. I love doing trivia outside of school and getting to bring it back to the school is something really fun for me. I just hope people into it and maybe realize it is their ‘thing’ too,” Mr. Williams said.