Greenwood seniors remember their favorite teachers

Sam Thompson, Reporter

With the end on the horizon, now is the best time to look all the way back to the beginning when the great times started it all off.

Elementary school is one of the best times just to have fun with less stress from grades, jobs, and social lives. Kids are allowed to be kids and play and have fun while they are learning at school. 

“I made a lot of great friends at Westwood, and my favorite times were in fifth grade when I could just have fun with my friends in class and at recess. I am still friends with some of the people from elementary schools like Connor Chase. My favorite thing to do was play basketball and we even went home and played sometimes,” senior Ethan Baugh said.

Every year, the elementary schools participate in a competition called Math Bowl; elementary schools compete in a math competition against each other.

“I would say math was my favorite subject during elementary school. I participated in Math Bowl in fourth and fifth grade for Isom elementary, but we never won anything. The competition days were always fun when we got to stay after school with my friends and then we went and saw friends from other schools that I know from baseball,” senior Peyton King said. 

In Elementary school, teachers had huge impacts on their students.

“My favorite teacher at Northeast was my computer teacher, Mrs. Stonsdill. I loved going to the computer lab to see her, and my plan is for her to hand me my diploma for her influence on me throughout my elementary school years,” senior Ella Dean said.

Almost every student can look back and remember a great teacher. One of the best things to see is how students keep memories with them from the beginning all the way to the end.

“My fifth grade year at Southwest was my favorite year because Mrs. Habig was my teacher and she was my favorite for elementary school because she was so fun and nice to me. I still see her around sometimes and get to talk to her,” senior Blake Reynolds said.