Elementary school memories-student life

Alex Kramer, Opinion Editor

As the year comes to an end, many seniors are reminiscing about their school careers while they also prepare for final exams and college for some.

Senior Sophie Markowicz de-stresses by reminiscing about a simpler time. 

“I went to Our Lady of Greenwood, and my favorite memory from there was when we graduated and had a field day. We got to be outside all day, play games, dance with a dj, and eat food,” senior Sophie Markowicz said. 

Unfortunately, for some students something embarrassing they did in elementary school still causes them to dwell on the past.

“One time in gym class at Northeast, we were doing broad jumps, and I was one of the last people in line. By the time it was my turn, there was sweat on the ground, and when I went to jump, I slipped and fell and had to go to the nurse while crying about my arm,” senior Ella Dean said.

Recess was important.

“During recess a lot of the time, I would play basketball or football with my friends. One of male teachers would usually play with us too, and we would all fight on which team he goes on,” senior Jordan Bonser said.

Homeschool sounds like an easier version of school, in reality, it can make connecting with people much harder. 

“I switched around schools and homeschool groups a lot so I would make new friends then leave them often. I went to school in Mexico, GCA, and homeschooled, and it was always hard making new friends after each move. Transferring from school to school kind of helped me in high school because of my ability to make friends quickly,” senior Edan Young said.